The New App That Lets You Simulate Your Hair Transplant

Newspaper Article: Published in “Dagens Industri”

“The New App That Lets You Simulate Your Hair Transplant” was originally published on Dagens Industri on April 22nd, 2024. To read the original article in Swedish click here.

The New App That Lets You Simulate a Hair Transplant

Hair loss can take many guises, but the feeling experienced by the sufferer is often the same – worry. Fortunately, technology has made great strides. Hair transplants have become significantly more effective – and today you can even simulate your own using a new app.

About a quarter of all men experience some form of hair loss before the age of 30. It usually starts with thinning hair at the crown and temples and a receding hairline that slowly but surely creeps upwards.

Years ago, people had to quietly accept their fate – it was part of life. Today, there are completely different possibilities, and more and more people are therefore choosing to have a hair transplant. This means moving hair follicles from an area that is rich in hair to an area that lacks hair.

“Hair is usually taken from the back of the head because that area is more resistant to hair loss and the hair is stronger. The chances of the hair follicles surviving in the new place are very good because it is your own hair follicles that you are moving. It’s kind of like replanting a tree in your garden”, says Cem Arel, founder of the Hair Back App.

If you are considering a hair transplant, you are probably curious about how a hair transplant will change your appearance. The Hair Back app is designed to follow the user throughout the journey from the first thoughts to a new hair. Also completely free. ” Step-by-step pre- and post-simulations allow you to visualize the result before making any decisions. The app is AI-powered, which makes the simulation very realistic based on your own conditions, that is, your own hair and the number of hair follicles. The app makes a medical calculation and the simulation is clinically reviewed by a hair specialist”, says Cem Arel.

The built-in timeline feature shows every step of the hair transplant process and gives a clear picture of the transformation over time.
“It makes it easier to make decisions. You see in black and white how you will look month by month – all the way to the bottom line. This means that you are better prepared and know what to expect.”

Expert help and aftercare program: The Hair Back app also contains a range of functions and services that allow you to get help with most things related to your hair loss. You can discuss your problems and get advice from specialists. There are also hundreds of guides here that make it easy to keep up with the latest advances in hair loss. Short versions of new guides are published on Instagram as they are released. You can also discuss with others in a similar situation in the app’s forum.

“The tone and atmosphere in our forum is very pleasant and helpful. There, users share their own experiences, ask questions and encourage each other. There is also the possibility to speak directly with a specialist. We make sure that real people visit the forum through SMS verification”, says Cem Arel.

Another smart and important feature of the app is an aftercare program. It is tailored and put together by the clinic and means that you can receive daily reminders about, for example, when it is time to take a certain medicine or remove scabs.

“The aftercare is very important for the final result and the reminders make it much easier” adds the Hair Back App founder.

Using the app is completely free, as is the advice, the aftercare program and the forum. Instead, Hair Back earns money by referring patients who want to transplant through partner clinics such as and, as well as offers on products such as hair vitamins through the app.

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